Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Craft Zone- Baby quilts

I remember being a little girl and my mom making a gift for my dad. We would go over to visit my Aunt Rita during the day and she and my mom would work on tying a giant University of Utah blanket while I played with my cousins. I remember that they taught me how to tie and I tied a few stitches and then I grew bored and went back to playing with my cousins.

During Young Women I got the chance to tie a few more quilts and found I liked it a bit more. Then I joined Lamda Delta Sigma while in college. It was there my love for creating quilts really took off. For each girl that got married we would tie a quilt. We got really good at it. Then as time progressed we tied quilts at baby showers. It is a tradition now to make quilts. There is something about creating them then giving them to others that I enjoy.

This past week I actually finished two quilts on my own. Though I have quilted many I have always had others finish them for me. I have learned that being able to sew a semi straight line can open up many doors in quilting.

The first quilt I finished was for my sister-in-law Sarah. We tied this quilt at her baby shower and then my mom came over to teach me how to bind it.

I had to unpick it a few times but I was pretty happy with how it ended up.

The second one I did all by myself. It was for my cousin Stef and her son-to-be-born son. Stef lives in LA and is married to a USC fan. Stef is a U fan and I figured that her son would be surrounded by USC fans and he would need something to combat that influence. So I made her a U of U quilt.

I love this quilt. Love it. I was tempted to keep it for myself. I think I will be using this fabric in the future as well for a baby quilt and maybe a nice king size quilt too.


  1. They are wonderful!! Good for you :) I like making baby quilts because they are so quick and fun :)

  2. I love that you remember making the "U Blankie" with Aunt Rita and me. You have come full circle with the "U" blanket for Stephie. It was fun to come over and help you with them, you did a fabulous job!!!
