Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Apricot Jam part 1- Epic Failure

My friend Mandy once told me that she didn't read so called Mommy blogs because they just turned into a "look how great I am" and "my house and family look like they climbed out of a Pottery Barn catalog."  Well I will be the  first to say that I am great and my house and kids are no where near a Pottery Barn catalog, in fact I took my kids to the doctor today and discovered everyone of them had mud on their legs. So here it is Mandy, a post you would never see on a mommy blog. A blog of epic failure.

I love canning. I find it fun and in an odd way rather relaxing. There is one thing that has always eluded me though- jam. I tried to make peach jam a couple of years ago, and it didn't go so well. I didn't  attempt again. This year though I was going to try. So when we were at the farmer's market on Saturday and we got a great deal on apricots I decided that it was time.  So I came home with 29 pounds of fruit and started my research. Here is the problem, no one tells you how to can in bulk. 

So we started with the delicious fresh apricots...

And then we mashed the fruit.  And yes that is a a box of jell-o, my cute neighbor swears by it in her jam.

Since we were using the pectin recipe we started cooking down the fruit. 

And when that reached a boil we added 20 cups, yes 20 cups of sugar!

And let it cook some more.

We followed the recipe and took it off the stove once again it boiled and so we pulled it off and put it in the jars.

Yeah, there is no jam. We have eight quarts of syrup.

There are a few things I can still try and I will attempt them in the next few days, but until then who wants pancakes?

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