Friday, January 13, 2012

Holding my baby close

I got some distressing news today, a cousin's six-month-old baby had a brain tumor removed last night. He is currently recovering and his parents and family are anxiously waiting tests.

Since I heard that news today it has put so much in perspective. My kids are often crazy. Yelling and screaming at each other. Running amok and destroying the once clean house. Complaining about what food is made, what chores need to be done, or what movie to watch. Often I am driven to frustration or chocolate with these four crazy monkeys. But here is the thing, they are healthy. I don't need to watch any of them suffer and be helpless to help them. I am so grateful tonight for that gift. I am grateful for the house that can't stay clean, for the loud laughter and crazy yelling. Though I am not so grateful for the fighting but I am grateful that they are here to fight. I am holding them close tonight. And I am praying for the quick recovery for a baby in Denver tonight. May he quickly regain his smiles and his cheery demeanor.


  1. I remember the day I found out about Ashley's little one when Lu was little I felt the same way. I think I held her all day that day. It really puts things into perspective though doesn't it? Makes you realize what is important and what your kids really mean to you.

  2. We are truly blessed. Hold on to those little ones. They are precious. Give each one of them an extra squeeze and a little more of our time.

  3. So true, Nat. So true. Every day is a blessing regardless, but days of health are even bigger ones. I certainly held my little ones a bit closer after reading this. Sending my prayers Denver-way.
