Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Try it Tuesday: 72 Hour kits-the food

So since moving into our new house I have been working on our food storage. I have done pretty well filling our pantry and now it was time to put together our 72 hour kits.

Okay, I am not a doomsdayer. I don't think that the zombie apocalypse is coming. And though the thought of a big Salt Lake Earthquake kept me up at night as a child my fear of something like that has toned down just a little bit. But I do believe in being prepared just in case. You never know when an evacuation might be needed and you never know when disaster will strike. I believe in being prepared, so I figured it was time to get our 72 hour kits ready. So off to Cost-co I went and got some extra food, stuff that had at least a six month shelf life so I would only have to rotate the food twice a year.  

Three meals a and snacks a day, three days, six people that is a ton of food. Here is what we got

Hot Chocolate
Apple Cider
Crystal Light
Peanut butter (the individual cups) 
Dried fruit
fruit cups
cup of noodles
Chef Boyardee
Fruit Leather
Granola bars

Assembling these packs was really kinda of fun and I realized after I was finished I hadn't put in the granola bars and had to go back and add them. I also added utensils and napkins and was surprised I could get each day into a gallon ziploc bag (well everything but the water)

Right now these are living in the nice red backpacks that I bought earlier in the year and though these won't hold all the water I need I have that living right next to them so we can grab them and go. I feel a bit better with having this first part of the 72 hour kits done and ready and I am ready to tackle the next part- 72 hour kit entertainment. Wonder how I am going to get those in the backpack.

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