Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Workout Wednesday: Weighy tunnel vision

There is an article making the circles on Facebook right now, it was an article I read about a month ago in my copy Self. I remember after reading it the first time coming home and telling my husband I just read an article by a woman who got me. It was also an eye opener on how I view myself and where I put my priorities.

This is the premise of her article is the author was speaking with a friend and talking about how great her life was and all she could focus on was her weight.   To quote from the article: "I guess I don't understand how I can accomplish all this other stuff, but this one thing, the most important thing in the world to me, I can't."
"Your weight is the most important thing in the world to you?" I hedged. "Well, obviously, not the most important thing in the world. Hyperbole!" I changed the subject.
As the article continues she talks about how her focus and obsession with her weight has lead to some interesting places. It was eye opening to me for the path I was on. I have a fabulous family and a life. Yet sometimes I let my weight color how I feel about things. I have been guilty thinking "oh if only I wasn't so fat" or "This picture would be great if I wasn't in it."  But here is the thing, focusing on this one thing can lead me to miss the beauty in everything else.

Yes, I am bigger than I would like to be. My clothes don't fit they way I want them too or I can't fit in the clothes I want to.  But I am working on it, yes I slip and fall but I get back up and work again and with that I can slowly start to change the tunnel vision that I have and make sure that I don't fall into the pattern that the author of the article did.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Nat! The funny--and fabulous--thing is that when we start to focus on the rest of our life and just how fabulous we really are, the weight starts to melt away.

    Revel in your inner beauty, of which you have heaps, and you will manifest it outwardly as well.

    Seriously. If you don't believe me, just look at ME. I'm absolutely smashing these days. ;)
