Thursday, June 7, 2012

Recipe- Snikerdoodle Cupcakes

So I am one that has to watch tv or read a magazine while I am working out, I just don't enjoy working out enough to just do simply work out. So last week I was thumbing through the June addition of Family Circle and I came across a recipe for snikerdoodle cupcakes. Now I like snikerdoodles and I like cupcakes so this seemed like a good idea. And as luck would have it we were having my parents over for Sunday dinner so I had a good excuse to make these babies. First I have to say it was a simple recipe-

1 box of white cake mix
1 cup of milk
1 stick melted butter
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsps cinnamon

Heat the oven to 350 and line 2 cupcake pans.   In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients and mix on low for a minute. Scrap sides then mix again for two minutes on a higher speed.

Then here is my newly discovered tip- scoop the batter out of the bowl with an ICE CREAM SCOOP. Now I am probably late to the party on that tip but wow! It made the most perfect sized cupcakes and very little mess.

Bake the cupcakes for 15-20 our until they spring back when pressed.

Remove and then cool.

Matty and I sampled one at this stage and I have to admit though the batter did not taste like snikerdoodles the baked cupcakes did.

Then came the time to make frosting.

I made a simple butter cream frosting-

3 3/4 cup of powdered sugar
1 stick of softened butter
3 TBSP milk
1 tsp vanilla

then I added 3 tsps of ground cinnamon.  

When Matty sampled that cupcake there was a "mmmm" sound that left his mouth and the kids each ate three.

These cupcakes were super moist and just perfect. I know we will be making them again soon.

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