Friday, June 1, 2012

Recipe- Waffle Tacos

Yesterday I was going through my latest issue of Family Circle when I came across the idea to use savory waffles as dinner. I was intrigued by the idea for Waffle Tacos. The picture made them look delicious and I was all set to try them. I went to the link to get the recipe only to find that  all the other waffle dinners had recipes but the waffle taco was missing. I still had the desire for the waffle tacos so I came up with my own recipe.

Now I am sure that you are thinking the same thing James was when I mentioned it, "um, no." But he was final products biggest fan.  The girls also snarfed them down. It ended up being a hit.

So here is the recipe for our new family favorite- Waffle tacos.


Waffle mix
2 teaspoons of chicken bullion
1 can of green chilies

Prepare waffle mix as directed on bag. Then add the 2 teaspoons of crushed chicken bullion and the can of green chilies. Cook as directed.

Top with your favorite taco toppings. We used refried beans, chicken, tomatoes, cheese, olives, salsa, and sour cream.  But you can use onions, peppers, beef, black beans, lettuce, what ever you want.

The waffles were fabulous and even better with the fun toppings.

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