Thursday, November 10, 2011

A few of my favorite things

Today I want to talk about a few of my favorite things. I want to point out that these are things not people. If it was people my dear husband would be the top of the list and not in a pity spot as he thinks he would be. So here they are my top three favorite things for today.

1. SwaddleMe Blanket
I love this blanket. My friend Amanda sent me three of them when Matthew was born and I used them for many a nap time. When he grew out of the three that were sent I ran out to Target to buy the next size up. This thing is a life saver for those parents like me that can't swaddle to save our lives. I also find it amusing that Matthew will always get one hand out of the swaddler before nap time is done. I have only two complaints. The larger size only comes in two colors green or pink. The second complaint is that there are only two sizes.

2. Mary Kay's Love Lash and eye makeup remover.
Oh my gosh these are the two best make up products I have ever purchased. I was pointed towards the eye make up remover many years ago and have used it since. It takes the eye make up right off without leaving one with red stinging eyes. You can get this remover in your eye and nothing happens. It also removes anything without a problem. Then last week a friend introduced me to the new Love Lash mascara. This is by far the best mascara I have ever used. I feel like my lashes are now visible. Really the best product ever.
3. Chick-fil-a's Peppermint Chocolate Chip Shake
So today I went with my husband and my brother to the grand opening of a new Chick-fil-a and they gave us a sample of their holiday treat. I had one of these earlier in the week and was so excited to try it again. It is just wonderful and not to pepperminty. I loved it. I also love Chick-fil-a.

I would also like to give an honorable mention to night shirts I can wear more than two days in a row. Most of them are gone after one day of wearing and all.

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