Sunday, November 27, 2011

FHE- Thanksgiving

*Disclaimer- I meant to post this last week but spaced it. So it is a tad late now...sorry.*

When I became a teacher I began to order from Oriental Trading Company. I loved the fun things I could get on a teacher's salary. I have continued ordering from them since I have been home and find great activities and crafts for the kids. I stumbled upon a gem a few months ago and wipped it out for Family Home Evening.

It was a thankful tree sticker with leaves that we could put on what we were thankful for. We then drew pictures to accompany the tree. It was a fun activity that the kids and parents enjoyed. Christian even drew a picture of the family having a picnic under his tree.

Here are some highlights from our lists

Laine- Jesus Christ, food, books, trees, friends, family,
Eve- my body, books
James- tigers, lions, leaves
Matthew- binky, stuffed carrot

They were proudly displayed on the door for the rest of the month and will be put away into remembrance books to look back and smile one day.

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