Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm going to be killed by a Christmas tree

There is a great episode of Doctor Who (remember I said I was a sci-fi junkie) in which it is Christmas and the world is dire straits. At one point a mechanically controlled Christmas tree is let loose and tries to kill the inhabitants of the flat (it is not as hooky as it sounds, I promise. Come over sometime and we will watch it, it is one of my favorite episodes). While the tree limbs are spinning around, breaking through walls and furniture, one of the characters cries out, "I'm going to be killed by a Christmas tree." I felt this way this weekend.

This weekend didn't get off to a great start, I was just grumpy from the get go. I tried to shake it off by attending a visiting teaching brunch but even the company of good women and wonderful food couldn't shake the grinchy feelings I was having. I came home a bit excited I got to have a date for the rest of the afternoon with my husband only to find the Christmas tree had toppled over in my absence. Now usually this would be something that I took a picture of and then blogged about. I was a bit to angry and sad and furious to take that picture.

Instead of the lovely afternoon date my husband and I had we ended up trying to fix the Christmas tree. There came one point where I was lying under the tree trying to get it centered in the base when I gave up. I decided that we just needed to take the tree down and cancel Christmas. Luckily my husband kept pushing. Eventually with some help from my dad we were able to get the tree back up. It is bent and the lights are a tad out of control but it worked out.

Of course with a Christmas tree toppling there were a few casualties. Below is a list of the maimed whose prognosis will be determined when I get the glue gun out this week...

Wiseman #2 (I don't know his name but it wasn't Balthasar)- decapitated. His head was recovered though.

Hermione Granger- hand and wand lost. Location of hand and wand still unknown.

Mickey and Minnie- Minnie arm broken off. Arm has been located.

Owl- one foot broken. Foot has been recovered

Cinderella- top gone. It is somewhere on the tree but location still unknown.

So yeah this year it won't be the bills that get to me. Or the crowds. Or addressing all the Christmas cards. Nope it will be the Christmas tree.


  1. Cinderella lost her top?!?!?! That must be in the directors cut!
    (And Nat that episode is as hooky as you make it out to be)

  2. Hooky? Is that how it is spelled? Or hokey? Plus, I'm glad it wasn't Balthasar. RIP Nameless Wiseman.

  3. I never saw a topless Cinderella, but I did see a headless wiseman. Just think, this is one more thing to laugh about in 10 years.

  4. You have got to send this into a magazine and get it published. I laughed out loud.

  5. maybe the tree was offended by his name... so he rebelled by falling over and maiming his various inhabitants.
