Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year resolutions

We have all seen the statistics and we have all been one of them. The majority of us will set goals for the next few days by the end of January most of us will have abandon those goals. With the craziness of life it is very easy to quickly brush these goals under the rug and never think of them again. So with that in mind let's be one on the statistics that keeps their goals. Here is what has worked for me

Write them down-A goal not written down is just a wish. Nothing more. It is nice to stop and think, oh I am going to lose 50 lbs this year, but that is just a thought. Write it down and then put it some place that you will see it often. I used to keep mine up at work, lying on my dresser at home, and a smaller version that is used as a book mark. This year they are posted on the fridge. This way I see them often and I am reminded of the promises I made to myself.

Make them manageable. For years I found myself failing at my resolutions. I would get discouraged and just stop. The goals were to lofty and just looking at them made me already feel like a failure. Then I discovered the trick that has helped me ever since. I have my yearly goals but then each monthly I make smaller goals that help me achieve the yearly ones. For example, let's say one of my goals is to get organized. Well for that in January I might say: I am going to clean the hall closet. Just the hall closet nothing more. Next month it might be go through the kitchen cupboards or drawers and get those done. Before you know it by the end of the year my house is organized and it wasn't a big stressor.

Remember you have 12 months- So what if you messed up in January? So what if you didn't do as well as you thought. You still have time. There are 12 months in a year and not every resolution or goal that you have has to be done by January 31. Pace your self and don't get discouraged. Some months you will do better than others, that is a given. But when it is not a good month don't give up. You still have plenty of time.

Reevaluate- The end of each month I sit down with my list of goals (both yearly and the monthly ones I set) and go over how I did that month. I look at what I need to do to improve and where I am succeeding. I can decide what needs to change then make those changes in the next month.

Have fun- In addition to all the 'life changing goals' that I set, I also fun goals. Stuff like, I am going to buy these books. Or I am going to get my passport. Stuff that is just fun and is easy to accomplish.

Remember this is for you. No one else. Make those changes in your life- you each can accomplish anything that you want.

1 comment:

  1. As always, great advice, my dear! I also break my big goals into smaller monthly ones. Or, for the ones that don't break down nicely, I leave space to track my monthly progress. And I have big goals this year!! I need to post them somewhere so I can be held accountable.
