Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent begins.

I read a comment this morning on facebook that basically said that Mormons don't celebrate Lent because being a Mormon is basically like having lent 24/7 and that the only thing left to give up is dessert.

I chuckled a bit about that then this Mormon girl went back to racking her brain on what to give up for Lent this year. Yes I am a Mormon and yes I celebrate Lent.

It all started about seven years ago when my dad mentioned something about Lent and we decided to start observing it. Every year since then I have observed Lent. Most years I give up chocolate (a rather big sacrifice) and one year I went as far as giving up sugar all together. This year though I know my limits and having already given up some of my favorite foods while trying to lose weight s0 I know that if I gave up chocolate this year I would be just setting myself up for failure.

So last night Christian and I sat and came up of a list of possible things I give up for Lent. They included some of the following: laundry, bathing, cleaning, running errands, the diet, the baby...yeah the list got a little more crazy after that, though when Christian mentioned cheese I think I might have cried a little. I cling to cheese as much as I do to chocolate, hey we all have our crutches.

So anyway there I was trying to figure out what to give up. It continued through this morning and still I had nothing. So that is that. I will probably figure it out in a few days. But until then I will keep racking my brain to figure it out. Oh, and I welcome suggestions.

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