Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two steps forward-one step back

So last month I talked about my goal to lose 20 lbs this year and how I was done with excuses. Well January went really well. I started working out with my lovely trainer, Stacey, again and I worked out five days a week every week. I logged my food over at and lost 7 lbs.

I was feeling good. I was feeling strong. Then came February 1st. I worked out with Stacey that morning as planned but then came home and collapsed. Turns out the cold which my kids have managed to avoid hit me with a vengeance. I was down with it Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

No problem, I thought, I will just start again on Monday. Yeah. Sunday morning I was sitting with the girls in stake conference when I started sweating. My legs were aching and I knew I couldn't sit in that cold metal chair for another hour and twenty minutes. So I gathered up the girls and slid our way out of the row, apologizing to people as we went.

I got home and sat the girls in front of the tv with their brother to watch scripture stories while I collapsed on the bed. I should mention that my husband was sick to, the reason he stayed home from church with the boys. I spent the rest of the day either so cold I had to pile four blankets on top of me or so hot that I was happy to sit in front of an open freezer just to stop the heat from radiating. Yeah it was a happy day.

The next day was more of the same. Finally my husband convinced me to go to the doctor (I hate going to the doctor. I avoid it all costs. Usually this is more detrimental to my health that not going but I have not learned my lesson yet) and he took my to the insta-care while my parents watched our kids.

Sure enough I had an infection and that on top of the second round of the cold has put me out this week.

So yeah. My great January has fizzled into a lackluster February.

Come Monday though I am getting on that elliptical and I also hope that the grilled cheese sandwiches I have indulged in this week didn't do too much to my shrinking waist line.


  1. Focus on getting your body healthy, sweetie. And seven pounds in a month is fantastic - way to go! You'll be back on track soon enough and your body may surprise you after the rest! Hugs!

  2. No worries, Nat! Being ill is an excellent weight loss tool. In high school, my sister and I used to really hope we would come down with mono.
