Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hi and welcome to Nat-fix your guide to all the crazy goings on in my life. This is a place to sit back and relax and really just feel like one of the crowd. My name is Nat and I will be your guide through this blog. Now I am sure that you have a few questions regarding this blog and its place in the blogosphere. So if you will please proceed in an orderly manner to the Question and Answer section of this post I will be happy to address all of your questions and concerns. Now please follow me.

The Question and Answer Section

Are you all here yet?I am waiting.

Good, you have all seemed to arrive at the Question and Answer section of this blog now to those pesky questions-

Q: Why start yet another blog? Wasn't the Bradley Family Blog enough for you to keep up with?

A: Yes, that blog does keep me going but I wanted a place that was my own. A place where I could talk about recipes I have tried, books I have read, and shows I have watched. I also wanted a place where I could maybe sometimes mention religion and politics- two big no nos on the family blog stage. And really I wanted a place to sit and write about whatever came to mind and let others express their opinions.

Q: So how does this differ from other stay-at-home mom blogs.

A: Well honestly I don't read much outside the family type blog. You know the ones where you post pictures of what your kids are doing and things along that line. If you are looking for family content don't look here.

Q: Will there be treats?

A: Oh yes. As my waist line can attest, I believe in treats.

Q: What other fabulous topics will you discuss here?

A: Food, News, David Tennat, Crafts, Doctor Who, Crime Procedural dramas, Books, Being a Mom, My Fear of Dying while the kitchen is a mess and the Relief Society coming over and seeing my messy kitchen and looking down from heaven on the house wondering where I went wrong and how ironic it was that the one night I didn't clean the kitchen just happened to be the night I died...and other important topics like that.

So that is it. I will be posting several times a week about a variety of things so stick around and hang out and maybe get entertained with the crazy thoughts that pass through my mind. If that isn't enough stick around for the cookies.

I will now entertain any other questions...


  1. YAY!!!!! I love me some Natalie writing!

  2. But wouldn't it be so much more embarrassing if you DIDN'T die? You were just really, really sick and knew you had to face them again? ;)

    I'm excited to read your blog!

  3. Sorry about the phobia with the Relief Society thing... I just want to go on record that came from your Father, not me LOL!!!
    Can't wait to see all the fun things my talented daughter comes up with!
