Thursday, February 2, 2012


Warning- This is a post that has some thoughts that may not jive with yours. That is fine. I am of the opinion that we can have different thoughts and ideas and still live in peace and harmony. I know it is a different world that I inhabit but a girl can always dream.
Me at the Komen 3-day in Cleveland. 2009

Growing up I heard stories about my grandmother's breast cancer and all that she endured while my mom was little. I learned of the horrors of cancer at an early age and watched my mom go in for yearly screenings and remember fretting when her scans would come back abnormal.

Years later I started involving myself in breast cancer fund raisers. I got my family together and we participated in Komen's Race for the Cure. I joined with good friends across the country and raised close to $6,000 then walked 120 miles all to help in the fight against a disease that had become a family enemy.

Then this week I heard that Komen, an organization that I have held in high respect, decided to pull money for breast screenings from Planned Parenthood. I have some very conflicted thoughts on this.

Somehow Planned Parenthood has become synonymous with abortion. Something which I find troubling. I know of several people when their insurance wouldn't cover it have turned to PP for birth control. PP provides several services for low income families including prenatal care. I don't agree with everything they do but I am grateful that they provide information to women and families on how to take care of themselves.

I now find myself wondering what I should do. I feel that Komen's actions are contrary to what they stand for. I don't think they should let politics on either side of the spectrum influence how or where they spend their money. Their goal has always been to educate women. To help teach women how to take care of themselves. To empower women to stand with others who themselves have suffered through horrible diseases and give them the chance to be inspirations to others.

I don't know what to do anymore. I want to keep supporting Komen. I want to be excited about the Race for Cure in three months. I want to look forward to one day participating in the three day again. But right now I am simply disappointed. Disappointed in an organization that I have always admired.

I know that not supporting Komen would just be hurting other women and I don't want to do that. I also know there are other organizations out there who could use my money.

Until then I will just wait and hope that things resolve themselves in a way that is best for women and not for politics.

1 comment:

  1. First, what a gorgeous picture? What amazing woman took that?!? :)

    Komen actually reversed this decision today. Here's a link to my local news website's reporting of it:

    Seems a bit weird to me that they'd reverse so quickly. Sort of makes me wonder why they made the decision in the first place if they weren't prepared to stick to it no matter the reaction (which they HAD to have known would have been passionate).
