Saturday, September 15, 2012

Disney Princess Half Marathon or bust

Elisha and I at my wedding
Six years ago a friend mentioned that she had a friend that I should met. I have thanked Angela many times for that introduction, she introduced me to Elisha, and Elisha and I very soon became close friends and would travel the country to see one another. 

Elisha and set a goal many years ago that we were going to one day run the Disney Princess Half Marathon, see we are both huge Disney fans and there would be nothing better than running together in at Disney World then enjoying a day or two in the Magic Kingdom. 

This remained a pipe dream for many years. There were changes in relationships, we both had children, we both changed jobs, and even though we haven't seen each other in two and a half years we still remain close. Yesterday during a text exchange E brought up the half marathon and after careful deliberation...all of thirty seconds...we decided we are going to shot for the  February 2015 half marathon. I know that is a while away but we have to schedule around family and budgets and readiness. 

So to kick off today I started the couch potato to 5K. It actually went well. Though I have never been a runner I am actually in the best shape of my life (I know, nothing to brag about there). The six days of cardio I have been pulling for the last six months are paying off and I was able to do the run for sixty seconds walk for ninety seconds for 25 minutes with no problem. I know that it will get harder as I progress but right now I feel good. I feel ready to take on this challenge and ready to go down this road with my friend. So her it starts. Weekly updates, stories, failures, and triumphs are around the corner. 

Until then it is scheduling in my runs and looking forward to the day when I will cross the finish line and be crowned a Disney princess with my friend. 


  1. Oh Nat, I love you so.

    I will do a post about it either tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

  2. Oh my gosh that was fast. Love you too!

  3. Take my word for it that it's only hard for a little while, but then you'll reach that point that it's so exciting that you can run that much more each day or each week. The best is when you reach the 9, 10, 11, or 12 mile long runs and you see that you really can do it. You'll come to see how exciting it is that your body is capable of such accomplishments. True, it's hard, but it's a challenge that you'll learn to love. This makes me want to start over, just thinking of it.
