Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tasty Thursday: BBQ chicken pizza

It is another Pizza Palooza day which means it was time for another crazy pizza creation. Eve keeps asking me where I come up with these ideas. In all honesty I just look on Pinterest then make up my own recipe.

So this week we thought we would try something crazy with BBQ sauce and chicken.

Here's what you need:
Pizza crust, again I went with the Bobby Flay crust, so easy and so yummy.
BBQ sauce, enough to cover the bottom of the pizza and to cook down the chicken and veggies in so about a bottle or so
Red pepper, diced
half onion, diced
Mozzarella cheese

So I made my pizza dough and actually stuffed the crust with cheese, this was a good idea in theory but it will take a few more tries to get it right. It tasted delicious but the cheese broke through the crust and a lot of it ended up on the bottom of my oven.

Anyway I cooked the crust for about ten minutes then pulled it out and mixed in my toppings.

While that is cooking, Add your BBQ sauce, chicken, and veggies to a sauce pan and cook down the sauce. I didn't do this and it lead to a very messy, runny pizza.

Top your crust with the sauce mixture and then sprinkle some cheese on top. Cook until the cheese is golden brown.

Let this pizza sit for five to ten minutes too to help the sauce congeal a bit more.

This pizza was good not our favorite. Still a tasty treat and the kids are already looking forward to next week.

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