Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tasty Thursday: Nacho Pizza

Okay I have neglected this poor blog too long. Not sure the start of Summer Vacation is the best time for a busy mom of four to start blogging on a personal blog but what the heck, let's throw caution to the wind and jump in with both feet. Since I want to keep this blog going I spoke with the my dear friend and she helped me come up with some snazzy titles and topics I can talk about each day.

Today it is Tasty Thursday. As the title suggests Thursdays will be where the recipes are housed (as a side note, I can never spell recipes correct. Thank heavens for spell check.)

Today's tasty treat is Nacho Pizza.

It all started the Saturday before Memorial Day. We had just visited some graves and decided to visit our favorite pizza joint for dinner on the way home. While we were waiting the waitress, being smart and heading off trouble, brought over crayons, color pages, and a pizza cookbook. The kids began flipping through this book and found so many pizzas that they looked at with shock and wonder. Cheeseburger pizza with ketchup and mustard sauce, Enchilada pizza, pizza with grilled veggies, pizza that you grilled. They were enthralled and I must admit I was too. So we decided that one night a week this summer we would devote to new pizzas. We affectionately have titled this new tradition- Pizza Palooza.

Last night was our first book and after careful deliberations (a vote in the car) we settled on trying Nacho Pizza first.

I scoured Pinterest and the internet for a good recipe (there is that word again) to try and ended up combing three our four ideas into our tasty treat.

I start with my trusty pizza dough recipe. I wish I could claim this recipe but alas it is Bobby Flay's and you can find it here.  It is a fabulous recipe and I have never had it go wrong. I usually add fresh herbs to make this even better but since we were going nacho style I added some chipotle spice, cheese, and some green chilies.

After the crust is ready roll it out on your chosen pizza cooking surface and then put it in the oven at 425. I cooked it for 8 minutes or until the crust started to turn a golden brown, I think that you can cook it all the way through though and that it wouldn't make a difference.

While that was cooking I made the sauce- 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1 cup of the chunkiest thickest salsa you can find. This is important. The sauce is going to be runny so the less runny you can make it the better.

I also cut my veggies and got my other toppings ready. The toppings are up to you. I used a can of black beans, half of an onion chopped, a tomato chopped, can of olives sliced, and some grilled chicken. Oh and cheese of course. Since it is a nacho pizza I figure you can use whatever toppings that you love on nachos. Want to put on jalapenos great. Prefer steak or beef perfect. This is great to adjust to your preference.

When the crust came out of the oven I spread my sauce on the was delicious.

Once the sauce was on I spread out my other toppings. Since I am not a huge fan of cooked tomatoes I left them off until the last stage of cooking...more on that in a second.

In no time I was ready to put it back in the oven for about 7 minutes or until your cheese has melted all the way through.

I pulled it out yet again and topped it with crushed tortilla chips a bit more cheese and my chopped tomato. Back in the oven it went for about five minutes and then it was ready.
I was really nervous to try this. When asking for ideas earlier James had said he just wanted cheese pizza, this was  a bit more than that but the kids loved it. It was voted really really good by the whole table and even Matty ate all his slice.

So there you go. A yummy new twist on pizza dinner night.

What are your favorite nacho toppings? What would you have added? Oh and what great pizza ideas do you have?

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