Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tasty Thursday: Chicken Alfredo Pizza

Ah Wednesday is quickly becoming the family favorite around this house and last night we were all ready to try another great pizza- Chicken Alfredo pizza.

This is another simple and easy recipe-

Bobby Flay pizza dough- I added a bit of garlic seasoning to the dough on this one.

Half a can of alfredo sauce
red pepper
Spinach (I used about a cup)
Chicken, cooked and diced
Garlic seasoning (garlic salt is fine but I prefer alternatives)
if you can find it garlic white cheddar cheese is a great addition to the pizza

Okay I didn't precook my dough but I think that the recipe would benefit from the dough being cooked for 5-7 minutes before the toppings are put on.

Heat your oven to 375 and  the put the sauce on. I layered the rest of the toppings on then the cheese. Cook for 20 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.

This was a fabulous pizza, so yummy.

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