Monday, March 19, 2012

21 Days- An introduction

Okay so remember this post when I couldn't come up with anything to observe Lent? Yeah for two additional weeks after Lent began I racked my brain, trying to come up with something I could do. Then last week I had an idea. I was almost half way through the Lent season and because of this I decided to take a new approach.

Five years ago I worked for a publishing company called Deseret Book. While I was there a book came out called 21 Days Closer to Christ by Emily Freeman. I was intrigued with this book which gave some scriptures to read and an assignment to ponder each day. I purchased it with my handy dandy employee discount and then it sat on bedside table for months. I made many valiant tries to tackle this book but for one reason or another it never happened.

So for the last three weeks of Lent I am going to tackle this book. Starting today I will be reading a chapter and then responding to the invitation at the end of the chapters. I will be writing my feelings and such down here.

Now those of you who enjoy my very witty writing and humor need not worry. I am sure there will be other posts here too. Recipes, spring crafts, humorous stories about my parenting. All of those can still be enjoyed during the next three weeks, just I am also going to take a closer look at my relationship with the Savior and hopefully enrich my Easter season.

So that is it. For the next twenty-one days I will be reading, pondering and recording my thoughts and feelings here. I invite you all to come on the journey with me.

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