Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What do I do now?

Disclaimer- My husband says he would still like me even if these disjointed thoughts made no sense. See that is why I keep him around.

So last night I read that my quarterback is leaving my Colts and I find myself wondering if I can even be a Colts fan anymore.

Before you call me a fair weathered let me lay out my case.

I grew up watching football. I loved it and I remember with great fondness attending U of U games with my dad and having him explain the rules to me. I love watching games with my children now and explaining the rules to them. I grew up watching the 49ers in the years of Montana and Young. I fell in love with them and have been a Niners fan since I was about four. As I got older I started looking at other teams to. Though I still continued to cheer for the 49ers you have to admit they had some pretty rocky seasons that left fans little to cheer for. I still clung to the team though and cheered them on year after pitiful year.

Then one Saturday evening I was watching a playoff game with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and though I don't remember much about the game or the team I do remember one thing...I thought their coach looked like a pirate. I began following Tony Dungy and realized I liked his style. I became a Dungy fan and not a Buccaneers fan and I fondly referred to him as The Pirate.

Then he was fired. I thought that was a great injustice because I didn't believe that Tampa Organization was giving him what he needed. And yes, I do believe they should listen and am always disappointed when they don't. I was determined to follow this man where he ever he went. Luckily he went to Indy, another team I had been following because of their up and coming quarterback Peyton Manning.

As they stay in the story books the rest was history. Here was a franchise I could get behind. A coach I love. A quarterback with great promise. And a team I could believe in. They didn't disappoint and I found myself once again with a team to cheer on with great fervor.

Now we are here. Dungy retired but I can still watch him on Fox or CBS so that is fine but today the Colts let Manning go. I understand the decision. But at the same time I think about how much Andrew Luck could learn Manning's tutelage and I just shake my head at these young kids that come in and don't think they can learn anything.

Okay is anyone still here? That has been a lot of rambling to get to the point I am trying to make. I don't know if I can be a Colts fan anymore. I discovered their camp because of two men who are no longer there and I don't feel the love anymore. I don't think I can hang onto them as I have the Niners.

So here is to hoping that Peyton ends up in San Francisco where I can cheer for him more than I did before. But I now having an opening for a favorite AFC team and will be taking applications. Just so you know, the Patriots and Broncos need not apply.

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