Monday, March 26, 2012

21 Days- His Voice

I haven't given up on my Lent reading and pondering. The last few chapters didn't have writing assignments more pondering thoughts.

Today though it had a bit of writing so I thought I would share this.

Learning to recognize the voice of the Lord in your life is difficult. Sometimes it is because the world is racing around us, while other times it is because we are too stubborn to listen. I try to listen to him to walk the right path but like many I am a stubborn woman. If you do not believe this ask my husband, he can tell you in detail about the stubborn streak I have in me.

The Lord often has to beat me over the head with answers. Like the time I was trying to decide whether I should serve a mission or not and I had experience after experience that had given me an answer but I was too stubborn and blind to figure that out. It took a straight answer and what felt like a rolling pin to the head for His words to get to me.  

It was the same later when I started dating Christian. Things were moving so quickly there and I was nervous. I prayed. Got an answer. Prayed about it again. And it took another knock of the rolling pin to make me believe in the answer that I got.

I wish I could say that I am getting better, that I listen the first time and that is that but much like my four year old child I am as stubborn as ever and it takes a while to realize that others know best. I hope to get better, I know I must get better to work on my discipleship and maybe one day it won't take a rolling pin to get through to me, maybe it will only be a spatula!

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