Tuesday, March 20, 2012

21 Days- Take His Name

When I was twenty-one I went on a mission for my church. I remember standing in the lines at the training center handing over the necessary paperwork and receiving  the different items that we would need during our stay. I  remember in particular a manila envelope which contained my missionary plaque.
This simple black plaque bore my name Hermana Bellamy and then bellow that it bore another name- JesuCristo.

I think it was then that I truly understood the promise I made as I took the sacrament each week. Here was a living tangible way that I took the name of Christ on myself. I was now his representative. I wore his name night and day and when people read my name they also saw his. It was a good burden to bare. It taught me how to truly live my life. If I wanted to people to learn of Christ and come unto him I had to live as he did. I had to truly become a follower of Christ- a Christian.

I don't wear that tangible item anymore, but I need to make sure the thought still is there. I may not have a black name tag but each week I covenant to take his name upon myself. This means I need to live a life that is worthy of his name.

I remember as a child my dad would always tell me, "Remember you're a Bellamy." Bellamy's were strong, honest, brave, and dependable. My husband's family has a similar motto that we quote in our family home evenings, "Be smart. Be fair. Be clean. Be true. Be a Bradley." Both of these names I carry mean something. I have taken them on me and I don't want to let either set of parents down with my actions. To truly take upon me the name of Christ I must do the same thing.

I have a good start. I have two good family names that have given me a strong foundation to build on and for that I thank my parents and my in-laws.

The good thing about this lesson and reading for the day was I got to sit back and truly look at my actions. Was I living up to the sacramental covenants made or was letting down not only my earthly family but my heavenly one as well?  This is one of the things I am liking about this project. I am a good church going girl. We have family prayer and scripture study, we attend the temple and our meetings. But like most sometimes I think some of the smaller things slip by in the day to day actions of our lives. I am grateful for this chance I have to reassess where I am and make the course corrections needed to become a better wife, mother, and follower of the Savior.

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